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BB67556 and BB67419 near Ste Gemme-la-Plaine.

01_67556&67419_sainte-gemme-la-plaine_3831&Quimper-Bordeaux_BB67400_20130810.jpg BB67601 and BB67437 near Le Gué de Velluire.ThumbnailsBB67427 and BB67435 at Velluire.BB67601 and BB67437 near Le Gué de Velluire.ThumbnailsBB67427 and BB67435 at Velluire.BB67601 and BB67437 near Le Gué de Velluire.ThumbnailsBB67427 and BB67435 at Velluire.

BB 67556 and BB 67419 near Ste Gemme-la-Plaine with the Quimper-Bordeaux 3831 train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD