Pictures of trains

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X2914 and X2819 at Lyon.

02_2914&2819_Lyon_AP2800&Lyon-Nimes_X2800_20141206.jpg BB75438, BB75435 and BB75403 at Tarare.ThumbnailsBB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.BB75438, BB75435 and BB75403 at Tarare.ThumbnailsBB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.BB75438, BB75435 and BB75403 at Tarare.ThumbnailsBB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.

Les X 2914 and X 2819 at Lyon with a Lyon-Nimes special train (AP 2800).

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD