Pictures of trains

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BB75005, BB75067, BB75435 and BB75402 near Seuillet.

03_75005&75067&75435&75402_Seuillet_Fret&Clermont-Sibelin_BB75000&75400_20150718.jpg BB67402 and BB67461 at Urçay.ThumbnailsAn X4300 near Vertou.BB67402 and BB67461 at Urçay.ThumbnailsAn X4300 near Vertou.BB67402 and BB67461 at Urçay.ThumbnailsAn X4300 near Vertou.

BB 75005, BB 75067, BB 75435 and BB 75402 near Seuillet with a Clermont-Ferrand - Sibelin SNCF freight train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD