Pictures of trains

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BB75438, BB75435 and BB75403 at Tarare.

03_75438&75435&75403_Tarare_480044&Sibelin-Clermont_BB75400_20141130_3.jpg BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67523 in the Sauvages ramp.BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67523 in the Sauvages ramp.BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67523 in the Sauvages ramp.

BB 75438, BB 75435 and BB 75403 at Tarare with a Sibelin - Clermont-Ferrand SNCF freight train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD