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TGV POS 4416 near Chazey-sur-Ain.

05_4416_leyment_TGV&Genève-Nice_TGV-POS_20130921.jpg TGV POS 4408 near Artemare.ThumbnailsTGV POS 4408 at Beynost.TGV POS 4408 near Artemare.ThumbnailsTGV POS 4408 at Beynost.TGV POS 4408 near Artemare.ThumbnailsTGV POS 4408 at Beynost.

TGV POS 4416 near Chazey-sur-Ain with the Genève-Nice Lyria 9756 train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD