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CC72084 and BB67377 at St Romain-de-Popey.

06_72084&67377_st-romain-de-popey_4402_CC72000&BB67300_20061230.jpg X4758 at Saincaize.ThumbnailsBB67383 and CC72084 at Les Arthauds.X4758 at Saincaize.ThumbnailsBB67383 and CC72084 at Les Arthauds.X4758 at Saincaize.ThumbnailsBB67383 and CC72084 at Les Arthauds.

CC 72084 and BB 67377 with train 4402 Nantes-Lyon at St Romain-de-Popey.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD