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A1AA1A68540 in the Sauvages ramp.

07_68540_les-sauvages_TER&Orleans-Lyon_A1A68500_20131005.jpg BB25188 at Lyon Perrache.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68540 at Les Chères.BB25188 at Lyon Perrache.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68540 at Les Chères.BB25188 at Lyon Perrache.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68540 at Les Chères.

A1A A1A 68540 in the Sauvages ramp, near Amplepuis, with an Orléans-Lyon special train. (AAATV-CVL/141R840)

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD