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BB67496 near St Julien-Puy-Lavèze.

08_67496_St-Julien-Puy-Lavèze_4590&Clermont-Bordeaux_BB67400_20140518.jpg BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67481 and BB67330 near Châteauroux-les-Alpes.BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67481 and BB67330 near Châteauroux-les-Alpes.BB67627 in the Sauvages ramp.ThumbnailsBB67481 and BB67330 near Châteauroux-les-Alpes.

BB 67496 near St Julien-Puy-Lavèze with the Clermont-Ferrand - Bordeaux "Le Ventadour" intercity train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD