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BB67601 and BB67437 near Le Gué de Velluire.

10_67601&67437_le-gué-de-velluire_3856&Bordeaux-Nantes_BB67400_20130810.jpg BB67460 near Seuillet.ThumbnailsBB67552 and BB67503 near Naves.BB67460 near Seuillet.ThumbnailsBB67552 and BB67503 near Naves.BB67460 near Seuillet.ThumbnailsBB67552 and BB67503 near Naves.

BB 67601 and BB 67437 near Le Gué de Velluire with the Bordeaux-Nantes 3856 intercity train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD