Pictures of trains

26217_st-romain-au-mont-d-or_20130414.jpg BB26157 near St Germain-des-Fossés.ThumbnailsBB26200 with BB27019 and BB26192 at Beynost.BB26157 near St Germain-des-Fossés.ThumbnailsBB26200 with BB27019 and BB26192 at Beynost.BB26157 near St Germain-des-Fossés.ThumbnailsBB26200 with BB27019 and BB26192 at Beynost.

BB 26217 at St Romain-au-Mont-d'Or with the Woippy-Miramas 54023 SNCF freight train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD

1 comment

  • George - Friday 15 November 2013 13:11
    Sybic rounding a sweeping curve with mixed freight . Fine sight.