Pictures of trains

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BB67594 and BB67503 near St Germain-des-Fossés.

67594&67503_st-germain-des-fossés.jpg BB9326 at Artenay.ThumbnailsCC72140 near Champagney.BB9326 at Artenay.ThumbnailsCC72140 near Champagney.BB9326 at Artenay.ThumbnailsCC72140 near Champagney.

BB 67594 and 67503 near St Germain-des-Fossés with a Vichy - St Germain-des-Fossés SNCF freight train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD

1 comment

  • pietro - Sunday 16 February 2014 18:14
    Petite question: la BB 67000 existe t elle toujours en version Fret?