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RTG T2013-T2014 on Neuvial's viaduct.

T2013-14_viaduc-de-neuvial.jpg RTG T2013-T2014 at St Bonnet-de-Rochefort.ThumbnailsRTG T2021-T2022 at Louroux-de-Bouble.RTG T2013-T2014 at St Bonnet-de-Rochefort.ThumbnailsRTG T2021-T2022 at Louroux-de-Bouble.RTG T2013-T2014 at St Bonnet-de-Rochefort.ThumbnailsRTG T2021-T2022 at Louroux-de-Bouble.

RTG Turbotrain T2013-T2014 on Neuvial's viaduct with Bordeaux-Lyon 4480 train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD