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BB67419 near St Julien-Puy-Lavèze.

08_67419_st-julien-puy-lavèze_4590&Clermont-Bordeaux_BB67400_20140507.jpg X2836, X2856 and X2890 at Le Lioran.ThumbnailsBB7426, BB7434 and BB75418 at Beynost.X2836, X2856 and X2890 at Le Lioran.ThumbnailsBB7426, BB7434 and BB75418 at Beynost.X2836, X2856 and X2890 at Le Lioran.ThumbnailsBB7426, BB7434 and BB75418 at Beynost.

BB 67419 near St Julien-Puy-Lavèze with the Clermont-Ferrand - Bordeaux "Le Ventadour" intercity train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD