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CC72049 at La Guerche-sur-l'Aubois.
0 commentsBB67402 and BB67461 at La Guerche-sur-l'Aubois.
0 commentsCC72026 at Urçay.
0 commentsBB67402 and BB67461 at Urçay.
0 commentsCC72026 at Orval.
0 commentsBB67427 and BB67475 near Mont-Dauphin.
0 commentsBB67624 and BB67359 at Châteauroux-les-Alpes.
0 commentsBB67469 and BB67501 near Savines.
0 commentsBB67475 and BB67427 near La Selle.
0 commentsBB67580 and BB67495 near La Selle.
0 commentsBB67316 and BB67390 near La Freissinouse.
0 commentsBB67412 and BB67432 near La Freissinouse.