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BB67383 and CC72084 at Les Arthauds.

13_72084&67383_les-arthauds_14506_CC72000&BB67300_20071229.jpg CC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.ThumbnailsCC72002 and BB66427 at Etang-sur-Arroux.CC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.ThumbnailsCC72002 and BB66427 at Etang-sur-Arroux.CC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.ThumbnailsCC72002 and BB66427 at Etang-sur-Arroux.

BB 67383 and CC 72084 with train 14506 Lyon-Nantes at Les Arthauds.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD