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X4403 near Villefranche-sur-Cher.

4403_villefranche-sur-cher.jpg BB66140, BB66293 and BB66221 at Chenonceaux.ThumbnailsCC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.BB66140, BB66293 and BB66221 at Chenonceaux.ThumbnailsCC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.BB66140, BB66293 and BB66221 at Chenonceaux.ThumbnailsCC72091, BB22299 and BB64005 at Villefranche-sur-Cher.

X 4403 near Villefranche-sur-Cher with a Bourges-Tours regional train.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD