Pictures of trains

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A1AA1A68521 and A1AA1A68520 at Magny-Vernois.

68521&68520_magny-vernois.jpg A1AA1A68506 at Blanzy.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.A1AA1A68506 at Blanzy.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.A1AA1A68506 at Blanzy.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.

A1A A1A 68521 and A1A A1A 68520 at Magny-Vernois with a freight train to Villersexel.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD