Pictures of trains

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A1AA1A68539 and A1AA1A68527 at Quers.

68539&68527_quers_1.jpg A1AA1A68539 and A1AA1A68527 at Quers.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.A1AA1A68539 and A1AA1A68527 at Quers.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.A1AA1A68539 and A1AA1A68527 at Quers.ThumbnailsA1AA1A68527 and A1AA1A68539 at Amblans.

A1A A1A 68539 and A1A A1A 68527 at Quers with a freight train to Lure.

Creative Commons BY-NC-NDVincent BOUGARD